
You drew his love at the well, 
Generously bringing it to Leah 
Under SHEKINAH’S canopy; 
A union of mystery. 
Like Jacob you wrestled 
And sacrificed for blessing. 
You birthed the future 
Dying along the way, like Moses, 
You struck the rock 
And forced the waters; 
Mingling waters flowing 
With tears – ours/yours.
Your eternal eye urges 
And bids us return, Mother

Tzelophchad's daughers

Belief in the land
And your rights therein,
Send princes and prophets
To meeting place within
The Tent where decisions
Divienly rendered
Challenged inheritance
Based solely on gender.
More equitable laws
Which grant each their share
End a tradition
Restricted by fear.


You left known for unknown
Wanderer, princess,
Nurturing women teacher.
You shared the vision,
You hid, you laughed.
Clearsighted prophetess,
You revealed painful truths.
Catalyst, you made distinctions
And caused others to see.
You chose, with authority,
Birthed and died without models.
You dared to live
With SHEKINAH as friend.
You brought light to the tent
And you sustained it.


Born at the moment of change,
The AKADAH and Sarah's death,
You understood sacrifice;
One in place of the other.
At first you entered Sarah's tent
Closed, veiled virgin bride
Opening wider, wider, wider
To conceive, conceive it all.
Opposing energies wrestling
In your womb. You fought,
You heard GOD'S voice
And lived the promise,
The destiny of warriors and dreamers. 


Assertive sister/child
Abundantly clear, strong.
Your prophecy is heard,
Men and women reunite
And birth freedom.
You quench their thirst,
 Stepping over boundaries, Advising, leading, dancing
The dance of celebration. .


In its likeness
The "All In One" formed
Until the dream
In the midst of the garden
Where the four streams divide
There the Tree of the Knowledge
Of Opposites yields its fruit
And your nakedness Eve,
Becomes known, as the other half
Tastes, sees itself,
And empties all of projections
Then the invisible comes
Visible -- the separateness
Yet oneness of all. 


Tzipporah darkened wife
Hosting desert dreamer.
Priestess offering water/blood Appeasing thirst/anger.
Hands forever red,
Uprooting children,
bloody Wanderer
— always on the Outside — interceding —
Reminder of the stranger's Strength.


Sitting at the crossroads
You remove widow's garb
And veil yourself for him.  
Covering eyes of ordinary sight
You invite love unavailable  
And stretch beyond limits.
Your womb swells with promise,
The paradox resolves
In birth of redeemers and kings.


Welcoming woman
Protecting and hiding Invaders transforming
Beneath womb of flax.
Changing potential
Destruction to freedom
The cord of redemption
Held firm in your grasp.
Weaving with scarlet
Threads that are binding
Life strands entwining
Round Eternal path.


Your prophecy piercing
Your judgement oft stinging Accepting your own role,
Your importance as well.
A woman decisive
Yet open to nuance,
Aware of the great part
Others also must play.
Your political vision
Sees all tribes united,
As you sing the chorus
To victory's song.


Trusting your Mother
As you journey to her home
Joining the nation
You've chosen as your own. Gleaning their rich fields
From corners as decreed
Filling your apron
With forgotten sheaves.
Lying on threshing floor
Beneath SHEKINAH'S wings Healing ancestral wounds Refreshing ancient springs. Harvesting redeemers
From lines long entwined
Birthing a future
Divinely aligned.


You pray
 "may my womb be open
Like my heart" and
you're heard
Though, at first,
not fully inderstood.
You're blessed with fruit,
Ripe and round,
Which you birth and rear
Until it is time again
To offer your essence
Upon the alter of love. .
Management Team
  • Founder:
    Daphne Drohobyczer 
  • Website Designer:
    Richard Gavatin
  • Max Brown
  • Daphne Drohobyczer 
    Richard Gavatin
    Jamie Glaser
    Ralph Graff
    Marvin Marcus 
  Team Members and Writers 
  • Carol Battle
    Max Brown
    Daphne Drohobyczer 
  • Larry Friedman
    Richard Gavatin
    Jamie Glaser
    Ralph Graff
    Berta Hyken

  • Margaret Israel
    Roz Kohen
    Ben Levin
    Lottye Lyle 
  • Marvin Marcus
  • Joyce Olshan
    Carol Rose
  • Paula Sparks 
  • Marla Zimmerman
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